GradientCobra Python Library

Class Superlearner


Introduction to Super Learner method

Super Learner is a stack regression method that combines a given number of regressors based on their predicted features and cross-validation teachnique (M. J. Van der Laan, 2007). The method is summarized in the following figure.

Method summary

  • Several regressors are trained on cross-validation data to produce predictions on validation dataset. The validation predictions are stacked to form predicted features of the same size as the original training data.

  • This prediction data is used to train a set of meta learners. The best one among these meta learners is selected as the final learner using cross-validation method in step (5).

  • The final model or super learner is the selected meta learner built using the predicted features in the 6th step (the final basic regressors are built on the whole dataset).

SuperLearner method

class SuperLearner(random_state = None, base_learners = None, base_params = None, meta_learners = None, meta_params_cv = None, n_fold = int(10), cv_folds = None, loss_function = None, loss_weight = None):


  • random_state: (default is None) for setting the random state of the random generators in the class.

  • base_learners: (default is None) a list of candidate learners or estimators. If it is None, intial learners including ‘linear_regression’, ‘ridge’, ‘lasso’, ‘knn’, ‘random_forest’ and ‘svm’ are used with default parameters. It should be a sublist of the following list: L = [‘linear_regression’, ‘knn’, ‘ridge’, ‘lasso’, ‘tree’, ‘random_forest’, ‘svm’, ‘sgd’, ‘bayesian_ridge’, ‘adaboost’, ‘gradient_boost’].

  • base_params: (default is None) a dictionary containing the parameters of the candidate learners given in the base_learners argument. It must be a dictionary with:

    • key : the name of the base learners defined in base_learners,
    • value : a dictionary with (key, value) = (parameter, value).
  • meta_learners: (default is None and linear regression is used) meta learners that are trained on predicted features \((y_i, z_i)\) where \(z_i = (r_1(x_i), ..., r_M(x_i))\) of \(\mathbb{R}^M\) for \(i=1,...,n\). It is a model that takes predicted features given by all the candidate learners as inputs. It must be an element of the list L of all the base learners. If a list of predictors (subset of L) is given, then the best one will be selected using CV error defined by cv_folds.

  • meta_params_cv: (default is None) a dictionary with keys being the name of the candidate meta learners given in meta_learners argument, and the value being the parameter dictionary. For example, if two meta learners are proposed in meta_learners = ['ridge', 'lasso'], then this argument should be the following dictionary:

meta_params_cv = {
    'ridge' : {'alpha' : 2 ** np.linspace(-10,10,100)},
    'lasso' : {'alpha' : 2 ** np.linspace(-10,10,100)}

where in this case, the panalization strenght alpha = 2 ** np.linspace(-10,10,100) is to be tuned using cross validation technique.

  • cv_folds: (default is None) a list or an array I of size \(n\) (observation size) whose elements are in \(\{0,1,...,K-1\}\). Then, \(I[i]=k\) if and only if observation \(i\) belongs to fold \(k\) in cross-validation procedure. If None, then the folds are selected randomly.

  • loss_function: (default is None) a function or string defining the cost function to be optimized for estimating the optimal bandwidth parameter. By defalut, the K-Fold cross-validation MSE is used. Otherwise, it must be either:

    • a function of two argumetns (y_true, y_pred) or
    • a string element of the list [‘mse’, ‘mae’, ‘mape’, ‘weighted_mse’]. If it is weighted_mse, one can define the weight for each training point using loss_weight argument below.
  • loss_weight: (default is None) a list of size equals to the size of the training data defining the weight for each individual data point in the loss function. If it is None and the loss_function = weighted_mse, then a normalized weight \(W(i) = 1/\text{PDF}(i)\) is assigned to individual i of the training data.


  • self : returns an instance of self containing all the obtained results of the algorithm.


  • fit : fitting the super learner on the design features (original data or predicted features). The argument of this method are described below.

  • train_base_learners : build base learners on CV data. It is also possible to set the values of (hyper) parameters for each base learner in base_params.

  • add_extra_learners : to add additional learners to the list of base learner for training meta learner therefore build super learner. This can be class method or estimator, list, array or data frame of the same numer of rows as the training data.

  • train_meta_learner : to train meta learner on (y_i z_i), CV predicted features. This method must be called if you add any axtra-learners to the list of base learner after calling fit method.

  • draw_learning_curve : for plotting the graphic of learning algorithm (error vs parameter).

Installation of the library from pypi

gradientcobra can be installed from pypi using pip:

pip install gradientcobra

Importing some packages

# Metric of error
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, mean_absolute_error, mean_absolute_percentage_error

# Plotting figures
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm

# Import class SuperLearner from the superlearner module of gradientcobra library
from gradientcobra.superlearner import SuperLearner

import seaborn as sns

Simulated data

We simulate a regression data with \(1000\) observations and \(10\) inputs variables.

# For simulating dataset
from sklearn.datasets import make_regression

X1, y1 = make_regression(n_samples=1000, n_features=10, noise=5)

Now, let’s randoly split the simulated data into \(80\%-20\%\) training-testing data.

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

X_train1, X_test1, y_train1, y_test1 = train_test_split(X1, y1, test_size=0.2)
print('shape: x_train = {} , x_train = {} , y_train = {} , y_test = {}'.format(
shape: x_train = (800, 10) , x_train = (200, 10) , y_train = (800,) , y_test = (200,)

\(\bullet\) SuperLearner with default parameters

When fitting SuperLearner, you have full control over how the training process should proceed by using the following arguments:

  • X, y: the training input and output. If the argument as_predictions = True, then the input X is treated as predicted features Z. In this case, the meta learner is trained directly on \((X,y)\) without building any base learners.

  • train_meta_learners: a boolean variable controlling whether to directly train the meta learner or not after training the base learners given in base_learners argument. This is useful when you want to add extra learners to the list of base learners before training the meta learner.

  • as_predictions : a boolean variable controlling whether X should be treated as predicted features Z or not. If it is True, then meta learners will be trained directly on \((X,y)\).

You can perform CV over a list of meta learner of meta_learners argument by providing their corresponding dictionaries of parameters in meta_params arguement. Moreover, you can also add features that were obtained from anonymous models by specifying in the fit method using train_meta_learners = False. In this case, the fit method only trains the base learners and provides predicted features \((Z_i)\) for meta learners. After that, you can use add_extra_learners method to add extra learners to the list of base learners. These extra learners can be any sklearn classes, or pandas data frame, numpy arrays or list containing the same number of observations as the training data. If the data frame (non sklearn module) are added as additional learners, then it will be concatenated to the predicted features \((Z_i)\) for training meta models. It is important to notice that if extra features are added as extra learners, their corresponding extra features of the testing data must also be provided.

This will be illustrated on real data section.

We create SuperLearner object called gc1, with the default parameters, then fit it to the training data.

sl1 = SuperLearner()
sl1_fit =, y_train1)

By default, the predicted features are aggregated using linear form. Let’s look at the performance of the trained Super learner.

# MixCOBRA with default parameter
sl1_pred = sl1_fit.predict(X_test1)
print(f"Test MSE: {mean_squared_error(y_test1, sl1_pred)}")
print(f"Test MAPE: {mean_absolute_percentage_error(sl1_pred, y_test1)}")

plt.scatter(sl1_pred, y_test1, label="true vs prediction")
plt.plot(y_test1, y_test1, c="r")
plt.title("Actual test target vs prediction")
Test MSE: 28.4724834505022
Test MAPE: 0.09780957598142677

It performs really well on this simulated data.

\(\bullet\) SuperLearner with non-default parameters

One can set non-default parameters to base learners in SuperLearner object to enhance its performance. We create another object sl2 with non-default parameters, then fit it to the same training data as in the previous example. W

sl2 = SuperLearner(
    base_learners=['linear_regression', 'ridge', 'lasso'],
    meta_learners=['knn', 'ridge', 'linear_regression','random_forest', 'adaboost'],
    meta_params_cv={'adaboost' : {
                      'n_estimators' : [100, 50],
                      'max_depth' : [10, 5]
                  'ridge' : {
                      'alpha' : [ 2 ** i for i in range(-10,10)]
                  'random_forest' : {
                      'n_estimators' : [100, 50],
                      'min_samples_leaf' : [10, 5]
                  'knn' : {'n_neighbors' : [3,5,10,15,20]}

sl2_fit =, y_train1)

Now, let’s see which meta learner is the selected one.

print(f'The selected meta learner is {sl2_fit.SuperLearner}')
The selected meta learner is Ridge(alpha=512)

We evaluate the performance of the method on the testing data using MSE and MAPE.

sl2_pred = sl2_fit.predict(X_test1)
print(f"Test MSE: {mean_squared_error(y_test1, sl2_pred)}")
print(f"Test MAPE: {mean_absolute_percentage_error(sl2_pred, y_test1)}")

plt.scatter(sl2_pred, y_test1, label="true vs prediction")
plt.plot(y_test1, y_test1, c="r")
plt.title("Actual test target vs prediction")
Test MSE: 28.39923486905964
Test MAPE: 0.09725609616567316

It’s as good as the previous one!

Real dataset

We look at the California housing dataset from sklearn.datasets module. To illustrate the idea, we only work with the first \(1000\) observations.

from sklearn.datasets import fetch_california_housing
data = fetch_california_housing()
X_real, y_real = data['data'], data['target']

X_train_real, X_test_real, y_train_real, y_test_real = train_test_split(X_real[:1000,:], y_real[:1000], test_size=0.2)
print('shape: x_train = {} , x_train = {} , y_train = {} , y_test = {}'.format(X_train_real.shape, X_test_real.shape, y_train_real.shape, y_test_real.shape))
shape: x_train = (800, 8) , x_train = (200, 8) , y_train = (800,) , y_test = (200,)

We set some random parameters in SuperLearner. We train the base learners on cross validation data but do not train meta learners directly.

sl3 = SuperLearner(base_learners=['linear_regression', 'ridge', 'lasso'],
                  meta_learners=['knn', 'ridge', 'linear_regression','random_forest', 'adaboost'],
                  meta_params_cv={'adaboost' : {
                      'n_estimators' : [100, 300],
                      'max_depth' : [10, 5]
                  'ridge' : {
                      'alpha' : [ 2 ** i for i in range(-10,10)]
                  'random_forest' : {
                      'n_estimators' : [100, 300],
                      'min_samples_leaf' : [10, 5]
                  'knn' : {'n_neighbors' : [3,5,10,15,20]}})
sl3_fit =

\(\bullet\) Add sklearn module as extra learners

The base learners are loaded and trained, but the meta learner (candidate of super learner) has not been trained on the predicted features of the trained base learners yet. This allows us to add extra base learners. We will add random forest and adaboost as extra learners.

from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor, AdaBoostRegressor
sl3_fit = sl3_fit.add_extra_learners(extra_learner=RandomForestRegressor())
sl3_fit = sl3_fit.add_extra_learners(extra_learner=AdaBoostRegressor())

When all the base learners are added, we can train them as well as fitting the meta learners as follow.

SuperLearner(base_learners=['linear_regression', 'ridge', 'lasso'],
             meta_learners=['knn', 'ridge', 'linear_regression',
                            'random_forest', 'adaboost'],
             meta_params_cv={'adaboost': {'max_depth': [10, 5],
                                          'n_estimators': [100, 300]},
                             'knn': {'n_neighbors': [3, 5, 10, 15, 20]},
                             'random_forest': {'min_samples_leaf': [10, 5],
                                               'n_estimators': [100, 300]},
                             'ridge': {'alpha': [0.0009765625, 0.001953125,
                                                 0.00390625, 0.0078125,
                                                 0.015625, 0.03125, 0.0625,
                                                 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8,
                                                 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512]}})
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Once the tarining is done, we can check the best meta learner.

print(f'The selected meta learner is {sl3_fit.SuperLearner}')
The selected meta learner is LinearRegression()

We evaluate the performance of the method on the testing data using MSE and MAPE.

sl3_pred = sl3_fit.predict(X_test_real)
print(f"Test MSE: {mean_squared_error(y_test_real, sl3_pred)}")
print(f"Test MAPE: {mean_absolute_percentage_error(sl3_pred, y_test_real)}")

plt.scatter(sl3_pred, y_test_real, label="true vs prediction")
plt.plot(y_test_real, y_test_real, c="r")
plt.title("Actual test target vs prediction")
Test MSE: 0.14331252970635305
Test MAPE: 0.1299550873927248

\(\bullet\) Add anonymous predicted features as extra learners

In practice, one may wish to aggregate the trained modules with some predicted features from anonymous models. Let’s build any SuperLearner object called sl4 then add both types of extra learners: sklearn module (random forest and adaboost) and predicted features (SVM and KNN) as extra base learners.

sl4 = SuperLearner(base_learners=['ridge', 'lasso'],
                    'ridge' : {'alpha' : 0.3},
                    'lasso' : {'alpha' : 0.5}
                  meta_learners=['knn', 'ridge', 'linear_regression','random_forest', 'adaboost'],
                  meta_params_cv={'adaboost' : {
                      'n_estimators' : [100, 50],
                      'max_depth' : [10, 5]
                  'ridge' : {
                      'alpha' : [ 2 ** i for i in range(-10,10)]
                  'random_forest' : {
                      'n_estimators' : [100, 50],
                      'min_samples_leaf' : [10, 5]
                  'knn' : {'n_neighbors' : [3,5,10,15,20]}})
sl4_fit =

# Add sklearn module extra learners
sl4_fit = sl4_fit.add_extra_learners(extra_learner=RandomForestRegressor())
sl4_fit = sl4_fit.add_extra_learners(extra_learner=AdaBoostRegressor())

We need to add extra features that correspond to the validation folds. To correctly train the new features, we can use sl4_fit.cv_folds_ which contains the indices of the folds of the object.

from sklearn.svm import SVR
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsRegressor
import numpy as np
ex1 = SVR()
ex2 = KNeighborsRegressor()
add_features = np.zeros(shape=(len(y_train_real), 2))
for i in range(sl4_fit.n_fold):
    f1 =[sl4_fit.cv_folds_ != i, :], y_train_real[sl4_fit.cv_folds_ != i].reshape(-1))
    add_features[sl4_fit.cv_folds_ == i,0] = f1.predict(X_train_real[sl4_fit.cv_folds_ == i, :])
    f2 =[sl4_fit.cv_folds_ != i, :], y_train_real[sl4_fit.cv_folds_ != i].reshape(-1))
    add_features[sl4_fit.cv_folds_ == i,1] = f2.predict(X_train_real[sl4_fit.cv_folds_ == i, :])

# Add the predicted features to the object 'sl4_fit'
sl4_fit = sl4_fit.add_extra_learners(extra_learner=add_features)

Let’s see how many times did we add extra features and extra learners?

print(f"Number of extra learners: {sl4_fit.n_extra_learners}")
print(f"Number of extra features: {sum([sl4_fit.extra_features[i].shape[1] for i in range(1, sl4_fit.n_extra_features+1)])}")
Number of extra learners: 2
Number of extra features: 2

Let’s learn the best meta learner.

SuperLearner(base_learners=['ridge', 'lasso'],
             base_params={'lasso': {'alpha': 0.5}, 'ridge': {'alpha': 0.3}},
             meta_learners=['knn', 'ridge', 'linear_regression',
                            'random_forest', 'adaboost'],
             meta_params_cv={'adaboost': {'max_depth': [10, 5],
                                          'n_estimators': [100, 50]},
                             'knn': {'n_neighbors': [3, 5, 10, 15, 20]},
                             'random_forest': {'min_samples_leaf': [10, 5],
                                               'n_estimators': [100, 50]},
                             'ridge': {'alpha': [0.0009765625, 0.001953125,
                                                 0.00390625, 0.0078125,
                                                 0.015625, 0.03125, 0.0625,
                                                 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8,
                                                 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512]}})
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The best meta learner:

print(f'The selected meta learner is {sl4_fit.SuperLearner}')
The selected meta learner is LinearRegression()

We evaluate the performance of the method on the testing data using MSE and MAPE.

As we provided the predicted features of SVR and KNN as extra features, we have to provide predicted features of the testing data when calling predict method.

test_features = np.column_stack([
sl4_pred2 = sl4_fit.predict(X_test_real, extra_features=test_features)
print(f"Test MSE: {mean_squared_error(y_test_real, sl4_pred2)}")
print(f"Test MAPE: {mean_absolute_percentage_error(sl4_pred2, y_test_real)}")

plt.scatter(sl4_pred2, y_test_real, label="true vs prediction")
plt.plot(y_test_real, y_test_real, c="r")
plt.title("Actual test target vs prediction")
Test MSE: 0.13462535719310822
Test MAPE: 0.12143543310128489


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